

A responsive frame to embed youtube videos with an optional header and descriptive text before and after the video.

This is the video title

This is the optional video description text to let the use know about the content of the video. This is an optional field.

Image/Video gallery

Carousels allow multiple pieces of content to occupy a single, coveted space.

They can be used as an image gallery for pictures OR videos (best use).

Image gallery with caption

With the added caption you can visually list related content/pages and there assigned image and description which links to the path of the page.

Image with Caption

The caption field can be used to add a caption or add text needed to credit the photographer/creator of the displayed image.

Profile pictures

Border radious mask added to a square image for all our prfile pictures.

The circle will fill the column width of the <div> it is in.

Google maps

The container and style of all embedded maps.

The container scales to fit the size of the <div> it has been placed in.